VKPlayerController Class Reference

Inherits from VKPlayerControllerBase : NSObject
Declared in VKPlayerController.h


Determines the User interface of control elements on screen

VKPlayerControlStyle enums are - kVKPlayerControlStyleNone > Shows only Video screen, no bar, no panel, no any user interface component - kVKPlayerControlStyleEmbedded > Shows small User interface elements on screen - kVKPlayerControlStyleFullScreen > Shows full width bar and a big control panel on screen

– initWithURLString:

Initialization of VKPlayerControllerBase object with the url string object

- (id)initWithURLString:(NSString *)urlString



The location of the file or remote stream url. If it’s a file then it must be located either in your app directory or on a remote server

Return Value

VKPlayerControllerBase object

Declared In



Determines the User interface of control elements on screen

@property (nonatomic, assign) VKPlayerControlStyle controlStyle

Declared In
